Taking on debt to grow your investment portfolio

It’s only natural to be a tad nervous when it comes to debt. Most of us have been brought up with the opinion that financial debt must be avoided as much as possible. In this article, we’ll look at how to manage your debt, minimise your fears around debt and how to use debt to grow your financial wealth.

We’ve all heard the phrase “you need to spend money in order to make money”. This phrase is true when it comes to investing. Acquiring loans to invest in growing assets needs to be a well educated and well informed financial move.

When reaching a conclusion on whether or not to take on debt, the most important factor to be weighed is whether it’s within your financial capabilities. Subscribing to some classes of debt can be advantageous to your wealth, however, anything unsustainable will be damaging to your financial earnings. Debt needs to be manipulated and managed closely. If you are careless when it comes to a financial debt you could find yourself in a rut that can be very challenging to scale out of.

Once you’ve decided to take on debt for investment goals, the next step is to form a precise strategy for the administration and repayment of debt. One of the most effective ways of maintaining your financial debt is using an interest only credit facility. This will give you the greatest flexibility as it will only be necessary to pay the interest amount each month. You will still have the option to make additional payments, or additionally, build up your offset balance. Should your financial situation change for the worst, you should have built up a reserve to service the interest or loan repayments to prevent losing the associated asset.

Entering into financial debt will provide you with opportunities to invest in areas that would’ve been otherwise impossible. History shows us that taking out a loan to invest in assets such as property are one of the most successful investment strategies.

With interest rates at an all-time low, now is a good time to weigh up your options and consider taking on good debt. You must first strategically plan all aspects of taking on a loan and how repayments will be structured as to not financially cripple your day to day life.